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Dental Sedation

Accent Dental offers dental sedation to help make our Fort St John patients feel more comfortable during long procedures and if they're experiencing anxiety.

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Dental Sedation, Fort St John Dentist

Anxiety-Free Dental Care

At Accent Dental, we do everything we can to help our patients feel relaxed and comfortable during their appointments. Our dentists can help determine if nitrous oxide sedation is the right choice for you.

In addition to offering sedation, we will also work at your pace, take breaks when you need them, and provide calm reassurance when needed.

How Nitrous Oxide Sedation Works

Nitrous oxide is administered through the mouth and nose. It helps you feel relaxed, reduces anxiety, and increases pain tolerance. It's often referred to as laughing gas because it produces a general feeling of well-being.

While you generally remain awake, some patients fall asleep. If this happens, our team will gently wake you once the procedure is completed.

New Patients Always Welcome

We are accepting new patients! Don't hesitate to contact us and take the first step toward achieving better oral health outcomes.

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